Non-Crisis Warmlines in Wisconsin
- Iris Place in Appleton, WI (608) 244-5077
- LightHouse in LaCrosse, WI (608) 519-1489
- Monarch Place, Menominee, WI (715) 505-5641
- Solstice House in Madison, WI (608) 244-5077
- MHA’s R&R House (Veterans) (262) 363-9540
- MHA's Prism Program (LGBTQ+) Call or text: 414-336-7974
- MHA's UpliftWI (534) 202-5438 (7 days a week from 10am-10pm CST)
- Jefferson County, WI w/ NAMI Waukesha (262) 409-2752 (Sat and Sun 2-6PM, M, T, TH, F 6-9 PM)
Peer Run Respites
Peer-run respites are for people experiencing increased stress or symptoms related to mental health and substance use concerns who want support and encouragement from people who have experienced similar challenges. This support and encouragement is available through an overnight stay and by phone.
LightHouse, LaCrosse, WI
Iris Place, Appleton, WI
Monarch House, Menominee, WI
Parachute House, Milwaukee, WI
Solstice House, Madison, WI
R&R House (Veterans only), Milwaukee, WI
Online Alternatives to Suicide Peer Support Group

New Alt2Su Group!
Mental Health America of Wisconsin will be launching live, online (for now) Alternatives to Suicide groups in 2021!
Alternatives to Suicide is a peer led support group that allows participants to talk about suicidal thoughts, feelings, or experiences without fear of being judged. Participants share their struggles and successes, provide support for one another, and strategize about alternatives to help each other best cope with difficult life circumstances. People are encouraged to come in both times of strength and challenge; you need not be in crisis to attend this group. Click here to read more about the Alternatives to Suicide Approach.
This group will meet on the second and fourth Thursdays 7-8:30 PM CT online via Zoom (this Zoom info will remain the same for each meeting).
Join by Zoom Meeting ID: 860 2730 7132
Phone in option: +1 312 626 6799