Agenda at a Glance

The full agenda is still being finalized and will be announced by late March. You do not need to register for specific sessions. You will be able to attend any sessions you would like on the day of the conference. The conference will feature content related to crisis intervention, healthcare and behavioral health providers, the education system, coalition development, lived experience, peer support, and more. 
Virtual Conference May 14 - 16 (8 am - 1:15 pm CT)

A downloadable agenda will be available prior to the conference. 

Session descriptions and presenter bios can be found here (use tabs).

Wednesday, May 14
Time (CT) Session


Check In

8:00-8:30 Welcome & Opening Remarks

Breakout Session 1

a. Avoiding Fault Lines: Developing Clinical Skills for Discussing Firearm Injury Prevention

b. Collaborative Action  – Tri-County COPE Coalition’s Drive for Change

c. Belonging Matters: Fostering School Connection to Help Prevent Youth Suicide

10:00-10:15 Break

Breakout Session 2

a. Suicidal Thoughts and Autism: One Family's Journey

b. Silent Desperation: The Link Between Gambling, Financial Crisis, and Suicide Risk

c. Systems of Oppression & Emotions

11:30-12:00 Lunch/Break
12:00-1:15 Keynote - Dr Joyce Chu
1:15 Closing Remarks & Adjourn


Thursday, May 15
Time (CT)



Check In, Welcome & Opening Remarks

8:45-10:00 Keynote - Dr Lia Knox
10:00-10:15 Break

Breakout Session 3

a. Firearms and Crisis Lines: Data Trends, Intervention Strategies, and Resource Integration

b. The Intersection of Suicide Prevention Laws, Ethics, and Court Cases

c. Bridge to Heal: Connection Centered Postvention Support

11:30-12:00 Lunch/Break

Breakout Session 4

a. Recovery Stories: How One Person Can Make a Difference in Stigma Reduction and Health Equity

b. Youth Suicide Prevention through School-Based Mentorship Programs

c. Building Beloved Community: Addressing Religious Misinformation and Its Impact on Trans Community

1:15 Closing Remarks & Adjourn
Friday, May 16
8:00-8:30 Check In & HOPES Award Presentation

Breakout Session 5

a. What Happens After the Training? Exploring the Multifaceted End User Experience with  Suicide Prevention Efforts for Military and Veteran Populations

b. Peer Support Groups: Who, What, When, Where, Why, and How?

c. Suicide Prevention at Work: At-Risk Occupations and Workplace Prevention Strategies

10:00-10:15 Break

Breakout Session 6

a. Navigating Mental Health & Suicide Prevention in the Digital Age: A Young Adult’s Perspective

b. Trap Therapy: A Solution to the Emerging Mental Health Needs of Blacks and Other Minorities

c. Building Suicide-Safer Access Clinics: Implementing Zero Suicide for Better Care

11:30-12:00 Lunch/Break
12:00-1:15 Lived Experience Panel
1:15 Closing Remarks & Adjourn